Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

             Today is my Dad & Raylee's Grandpa's Birthday! I wanted to post some of my favorite pictures of them together from the last year. Happy Birthday Daddy!

Holding Raylee for the 1st time

Visiting on His Birthday last year

Holding her in the ocean for her 1st time

Visiting in "Madge" the Motor home

Fun Visits!


We love you SO much & hope you have a wonderful day today!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sick Little Girl

Well, today was supposed to be Raylee's 1st Birthday party, but she is sick! :( We woke up Friday morning, and Raylee was throwing up and had a 101 degree fever. She also had congestion in her chest, and a runny nose. We took her to the Dr. who prescribed an antibiotic and a decongestant. Hopefully she will be back to her happy self soon. :)

Poor sick little baby taking a nap on Mama

Sleeping Angel

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Raylee!

Even though her party isn't until next week, I thought I would write a post on her actual birthday - today!

About to eat breakfast at IHOP!

12 month picture on the couch

This is a video I took of her yesterday, and thought was cute!

 Happy Birthday to our beautiful baby girl! We love you so much! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Lenora!

Today is Raylee's Grandma Lenora's Birthday. In honor of her Birthday here are some pictures of her & Raylee together!

We love you Lenora! Happy Birthday!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Is it Friday?

With Paul working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, Friday doesn't mean too much around here. We are waiting for Sunday for his day off, but Raylee & I have been making the most of it. The weather has been really nice, so that helps our mood.

                     Smiles have been harder to capture, so pardon my camera taking skills.

She fell asleep holding her bottle. Little angel face.

She looked so cute this day in her "skinny" jeans, but would NOT smile. Oh well!

Here are some cupcakes Paul & I were working on for Raylee's party

1st Valentine's Day!

Wearing the Hula skirt Granna brought from Hawaii!

& Wearing Granna's hat!

I can NOT believe that in only two days my baby will turn 1! She brings so much joy everyday, and I am so proud to be her Mom. I love you Raylee Michelle!

Everyone have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting Out of the House

Raylee & I spend lots of time at home. Paul's truck needs a new battery and brake pads, so he has been taking mine to work. He has also been working A LOT more hours, and just found out today he will be working 10 hours on Saturday.  :( We make the most of it, having a schedule, and trying to do fun things around the house, but every once in a while it is nice to get OUT. My Mom came and picked us up today for lunch, and a little errand running. Here is some pictures before we left the house.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Catch Up!

We have been enjoying lots of time together with the bad weather forcing us indoors. Luckily we got out today to run some errands, and see some friends & family! These are some pictures that I took through out the week, and thought I would post all together.

Trying to catch a picture before we go "Bye-Bye!"

Wearing Daddy's work glasses. :)

Just had a bath & got her hair brushed!

Silly girl crawling under the coffee table. I see you!

Getting ready to go run errands.

Cutie in corduroy!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We have been enjoying the warmer weather, and are looking forward to watching the big game tomorrow & enjoying some yummy food!