Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 Week Check Up

Today Brinn had her 3 week check up. She was 8 lbs.4ozs. & 21 inches. That is up 1lb & .75 inches since her last appointment! Everything looked good, and we don't go back until her 2 month appointment.

Here she is fresh from the bath :)

This is a little video I took of her making a bunch of faces. Not sure who will really care, except for maybe the grandparents, but check out around the 30 second mark for some faces! :)

After two kids, and two years, it looks like we will be moving in the next month or so. We are excited to take on this new chapter as a family, and ask for your prayers that God shows us exactly where we need to be!

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Family of 4!

We have been getting use to being a family of four lately, and I have been getting use to watching both girls all day(& night). It has been exhausting, but so much fun. I love them both SO much, and count my blessings many times a day to be able to change them, feed them, and rock them to sleep at night.

Brinn has been doing very well. She is a sweet baby who sleeps good, eats well, and is very alert when she is not doing either of those. Here are some pictures from Brinn's 1st few weeks.

& Raylee is doing better and better w/ a little sister around. She is very sweet, and wants to give Brinn kisses on her head or look at her little hands and feet. I think she is going to be a natural.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

18 Months

Today, Raylee is 1 1/2 years old. She is smart, quick, sweet, strong, busy, and very loving.

Raylee loves  dancing, "talking on the phone", playing w/ her toys, climbing on everything, playing hide-and-seek and more.

She can say Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, Granna, See?, Thank You, Here You Go, and plenty more that is understandable some of the time. 

Raylee is a great sleeper, a good eater, and is learning how to be a big sister.

This is a video of Raylee spinning, and then blowing a kiss.

I love you so much Raylee. Watching you grow is a joy! Thank you for being who you are, and I'm excited to see what the second half of the year brings! xoxo

Hope everyone has a good day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Visitors and Doctor's Appointments

Brinn is blessed to have many people that love her. She has already had many visitors, both at the hospital and at our house. Here are some pictures of some of her first visitors.

My MawMaw & Brinn's Great Grandmother

 My PawPaw & Brinn's Great Grandpa

My Mom & Brinn's Granna

My cousin Bryce

My Auntie Susan

My Sister-in-law Victoria, and her Daughter Adrianna

Paul's sister April & Adrianna

Paul's Mom & Brinn's Grammie

This past weekend My Dad & Lenora drove down from Houston to spend some time with their granddaughters. They made the trip when Raylee was about 8 days old, so it was special to have them visit when Brinn was about the same age.

Brinn's Grandma & Grandpa

Brinn & her Grandma

Brinn & her Grandpa

Both Brinn & I had Doctors Appointments this week. Brinn had gained 3oz. from her birth weight, and grown an inch. The Doctor said everything looked good, and we will be back in a few weeks. At my appointment I had lost 18 lbs., and was told my blood pressure was high. I am going to monitor it and go back in a few weeks. I will leave with a few more pictures, of our 1st outing to go eat with my Dad & Lenora this past weekend.

My big girl & I <3

 My baby girl <3

Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

100th Post & a link

This posts marks 100 posts on this blog! I can not believe I have kept up with it enough to have 100 posts, but right now I have a list of about 12 different things that I want to write about. I am so excited that someday I will have this scrap book to show the girls of the times when they were too small to remember. I am also grateful for everyone who reads it, and keeps up with our family.

Also, I wanted to post a link to the newborn pictures they took of Brinn in the hospital. I was so surprised with how well they turned out. We ordered a bunch of pictures, and birth announcements, so expect one to be heading your way soon. Next on my list is pictures of both Raylee & Brinn together, so hopefully one day soon those will be a reality.


Hope everyone has a great day!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Birth Story

I am trying to get this story down while it is still fresh in my mind. On Tuesday morning, the 9th, I woke up around 4 am having contractions. I had been having them on and off, but felt the first real ones around 4. At about 7 they had picked up enough to where I thought it was time to go to the hospital. My mom came over and picked up Raylee, while Paul and I headed to the hospital. We did stop at Burger King for some breakfast on the way though! =) Once at the hospital, the nurse I would have all day admitted me, and told me I was dialated to 4 cm. This sounded ok to me, because 4 is better than 1! They then moved us to our own room, and the nurse came in and said they needed to put me on magnesium, because I had high blood pressure. The magnesium made me sick, and she said it would slow down my contractions, although luckily I was still able to progress. Family started arriving, which was a great distraction from everything else.  Around 3 pm, my nurse came in and said I was dialated to a 7, and that my Dr. wanted to start me on pitocin to speed things up.  I knew the pitocin would speed things up, but about 45 min. later I was ready to push. My nurse came in and, said I was ready and boy was I. The Doctor was on his way but Brinn was ready to make her arrival. She was born at 3:52, crying and beautiful. The Dr. made it in the room about 5 min. later, but by then I did not care. My beatiful girl was healthy, and I was healthy, and that is all that mattered to me.
Here are some pictures from the day.

My Daddy helping through some pain.

Last pictures as a family of 3!

She is Here!

Sisters meeting!

My baby sister & my baby girl

Little sisters! <3

After everyone left, I had a had a scare when I was trying to get out of the bath tub, and I fainted. Luckily Paul was there to catch me, and I was able to get some rest and feel better.

Up next is more pictures, and I will try to post the link to the pictures they took in the hospital that turned out really great, but until then hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Brinn Danielle Barber

August 9, 2011 3:52 p.m.
7lbs. 1oz. 19.25 inches

I am working on posts with (lots) more pictures, and the birth story, so check back in the next few days for those. We are so in love with our new baby girl, and are so thankful for this blessing. God is GOOD!

Everyone have a great day!

Monday, August 8, 2011


I would love to be announcing the birth of our new baby girl, but unfortunately we are STILL waiting for her. Today I went for my 41 week appointment at the doctor. She scheduled a non-stress test for this Thursday if she has not made her arrival by then. They will make sure everything looks ok, and we will decide where to go from there.

Although I would love to be posting pictures of Brinn, I will have to settle for a picture of her on her due date

Raylee went and stayed 3 days at my Mom's house. We just got her home this evening, and even though we know she had so much fun, it is nice that we get to spend a little bit more time with her, and  just  her, before little sister gets here.

Hope everyone had a great day!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Still Here

Well, I had another Dr's appointment today, and there was a little progress, but nothing serious. I have been having contractions on and off since then, but nothing consistant so we wait. We ordered our double stroller today thanks to my Dad & Lenora! (Thanks Grandma & Grandpa!) I am excited to try it out! Here is a pic.

Last week it rained here almost every day, and Raylee looked so cute in her raincoat!

Hope everyone is having a great day!