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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What We've Been Up To...

Where does the time go? It seems to fly. Sometimes it feels like I chase Raylee around all day, and then at night I lie awake thinking about doing it all again. Don't get me's a wonderful job, and I wouldn't trade it, but it is tiring! She has so much energy, from the time she wakes up until it's finally bedtime.

We have been doing some fun things around here. This past weekend, we picked up a pumpkin from the store. This is the 3rd year in a row tat Paul & I have carved a pumpkin together, so we pretty much have it down. I am the designer, and he is the carver. (We know where our strengths lie. lol) Anyway here is a picture of our jack-o-lantern this year.

On Saturday night we all went to Tokyo for Pauls' sis-in-law's Birthday. She ended up being over an hour late, but the food was still delicious! Then on Sunday we got  visit from Raylees' Grandparents! They came over, and we grilled kebabs. Then we had yummy cake for dessert. Raylee loved seeing Grandma & Grandpa. Bring on the Holidays!

Grandpa & Raylee

Getting Kisses

Raylee loves to crawl everywhere! She loves wedging herself in places, which definitely keeps me on my toes. I caught this picture of her as an example.

Hope every ones week is going well. Check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

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