Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Birth Story

I am trying to get this story down while it is still fresh in my mind. On Tuesday morning, the 9th, I woke up around 4 am having contractions. I had been having them on and off, but felt the first real ones around 4. At about 7 they had picked up enough to where I thought it was time to go to the hospital. My mom came over and picked up Raylee, while Paul and I headed to the hospital. We did stop at Burger King for some breakfast on the way though! =) Once at the hospital, the nurse I would have all day admitted me, and told me I was dialated to 4 cm. This sounded ok to me, because 4 is better than 1! They then moved us to our own room, and the nurse came in and said they needed to put me on magnesium, because I had high blood pressure. The magnesium made me sick, and she said it would slow down my contractions, although luckily I was still able to progress. Family started arriving, which was a great distraction from everything else.  Around 3 pm, my nurse came in and said I was dialated to a 7, and that my Dr. wanted to start me on pitocin to speed things up.  I knew the pitocin would speed things up, but about 45 min. later I was ready to push. My nurse came in and, said I was ready and boy was I. The Doctor was on his way but Brinn was ready to make her arrival. She was born at 3:52, crying and beautiful. The Dr. made it in the room about 5 min. later, but by then I did not care. My beatiful girl was healthy, and I was healthy, and that is all that mattered to me.
Here are some pictures from the day.

My Daddy helping through some pain.

Last pictures as a family of 3!

She is Here!

Sisters meeting!

My baby sister & my baby girl

Little sisters! <3

After everyone left, I had a had a scare when I was trying to get out of the bath tub, and I fainted. Luckily Paul was there to catch me, and I was able to get some rest and feel better.

Up next is more pictures, and I will try to post the link to the pictures they took in the hospital that turned out really great, but until then hope everyone is having a great weekend!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You're so smart to write your birth story down while it's still fresh on your mind. I forgot both times, and don't have either written!

Precious girl, precious family, precious day!

Love you!