Well, we have moved! Our new place is great, and in another week we will have our cable, internet, and phone hooked up. Until then I am using my Mom's internet so I do not get to far behind. (Thank you!)
Raylee still loves the "caaar." This is a picture of her driving her PawPaw's truck.

Raylee still loves the "caaar." This is a picture of her driving her PawPaw's truck.
It was my PawPaw's birthday last week, and him and my MawMaw watched Brinn for a little while so my Mom and me could get some packing done. (Thank yall!) I got a picture of the birthday boy and his youngest great granddaughter.
Raylee & Brinn get closer everyday. Raylee seems genuinely excited to see Brinn everyday. It is an awesome thing to watch. Here are some pictures I got of the two of them.
Love this one!
Speaking of cuties. This little cutie turned 2 months old yesterday!
We went for her 2 month appointment today, and she did so good w/ her shots. She was 10lbs. 7oz. (50%) & 22 1/2 in. (50%). She is doing so well! She slept last night from 10pm to 4:30 am! She eats 3-4 oz. every 3-4 hours, and she is picking her head up well, and working on rolling over.
Here is a few pics. after the Dr.'s apt. & some of her & I together!
Poor little leggies :(
Hope everyone is having a great day!
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