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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving in Abilene Pt. 2

The day after Thanksgiving, we hung out at the GG's house most of the day. Later that evening, we went to a couple Black Friday sales, before we went to my Aunt Jacki's house. My cousin Jennifer made it back from San Antonio that night w/ her 3 little boys, so all 8 great grandchildren were under 1 roof! I'm not sure if any other house could have handled 8 children 4 & under, except for Honey's! It was a lot of fun to get to watch the kids interact.

Paul took this video that I thought was so cute.

Grandma holding Brinn.

Raylee loved playing with all the cars.

Giving Ben a kiss!

Ben is exactly a month older than Raylee.

Jack & Brinn.

Brinn & Jack are about 2 months apart.

Honey holding Jack & Grandma holding Brinn.

All 8 greats with Girl GG!

We had so much fun in Abilene! We are so blessed to have such a great family! Since we have been home, someone has wanted to be held all the time, so we have been spending our days like this:

Oh well, it goes too fast anyways! Hope everyone has a great day!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

you did such a better job taking pictures than i did! it was so great to see you guys. and my little someone thinks he needs to be held all.the.time as well!

love you guys!