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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Teething & Crawling

Hope your Saturday is going well. Today we had a nice family day. Raylee slept in until 10:30! (woohoo), and then she got a bath.I took this picture before we left to go run some errands for the game tomorrow!

Raylee is teething big time! The poor little girl always has her hands in her mouth. Now that she is able to grab things we have to be constantly aware of what she can get her hands on, because it will surely end up in her mouth! So far she has two little teeth poking through on the bottom.

                                                              2 teeth on bottom

This is the zoomed out version of the picture above. Raylee wanted the camera pretty bad, and we thought it was pretty funny. She is getting quick at grabbing any and everything within arms reach.

Raylee is also getting close to crawling. She can pull herself up onto all fours and rock back and forth. I caught a little video of some close attempts. It won't be long until she is mobile. Oh goodness!

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