Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Things have been going well around here lately. A LOT of fantasy football talk, as the season is about to begin. It is definitely one of Paul's favorite hobbies, but I am looking forward to some real football this weekend. GO TEXANS!

This past weekend we had the chance to visit with my step-sister Amber, her husband Jesse, and their little girl Anna Carol. Anna is only 6 weeks younger than Raylee, and she is a DOLL. I got a picture of them holding hands. I hope they will be sweet friends as they grow up.

Raylee is doing well. Trying new foods everyday. She really likes carrots and mango. We started her on a sippy cup, and she took to it like a natural. This weekend my mom is going to come watch Raylee so we can go to the Texans game. It will be the longest that Paul & I have gone away from her, but we know she is in good hands, and we are looking forward to some "adult time."

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