Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

10 Months & Other Stuff

Yesterday, Raylee was 10 months old! These have been the best and fastest ten months of my life, which I figured out is 318 months! Here is some stuff that Raylee is up to at 10 months:'

- Sleeps through the night every night. Gets up for a bottle at 6ish then sleeps for 2-3 more hours.
-Takes either 2 1 hour naps or a long 2-3 hour nap in the middle of the day
-Standing up by herself for up to a minute, can walk all over the living room holding onto the furniture.
-Crawls ALL over the place, and getting pretty fast. She also loves to crawl into small spaces.
-Can wave "Hi" & "Bye" & say both.
-Can say Mama, Dada, Hey, Baba(bottle), Nigh Nigh(night night),
-Drinks from a sippy cup with a straw. She was not really a fan of the other kind.
-Likes the little Cheetos like snacks that disintegrate
-Has her two teeth on bottom, two front teeth, and is getting both teeth on either side of those.
-Finally started taking baths in the big bath tub.
-Loves playing with the laundry basket, reading books, or just generally being silly :)

Here is a picture of the 10 month old

Last week we went and got her picture taken with Santa, and I LOVE the way the picture turned out. This week I am hoping to get it scanned so I can put it on here. We also got a package this week from my Grandma&Grandpa & Raylee's GG's Glen & Gwen.  Thank You!

Little Texan Cheerleader

  Even though the Texans have had a rough season, we are proud of Paul, who made it to the championship in his fantasy football league. He worked really hard, and are looking forward to cheering him on the next two weeks. We are trying to finish up a few last things for Christmas around here. I am looking forward to enjoying some time with people that I care about. Hope everyone is having a great day, and check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

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