Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

10 Months & Other Stuff

Yesterday, Raylee was 10 months old! These have been the best and fastest ten months of my life, which I figured out is 318 months! Here is some stuff that Raylee is up to at 10 months:'

- Sleeps through the night every night. Gets up for a bottle at 6ish then sleeps for 2-3 more hours.
-Takes either 2 1 hour naps or a long 2-3 hour nap in the middle of the day
-Standing up by herself for up to a minute, can walk all over the living room holding onto the furniture.
-Crawls ALL over the place, and getting pretty fast. She also loves to crawl into small spaces.
-Can wave "Hi" & "Bye" & say both.
-Can say Mama, Dada, Hey, Baba(bottle), Nigh Nigh(night night),
-Drinks from a sippy cup with a straw. She was not really a fan of the other kind.
-Likes the little Cheetos like snacks that disintegrate
-Has her two teeth on bottom, two front teeth, and is getting both teeth on either side of those.
-Finally started taking baths in the big bath tub.
-Loves playing with the laundry basket, reading books, or just generally being silly :)

Here is a picture of the 10 month old

Last week we went and got her picture taken with Santa, and I LOVE the way the picture turned out. This week I am hoping to get it scanned so I can put it on here. We also got a package this week from my Grandma&Grandpa & Raylee's GG's Glen & Gwen.  Thank You!

Little Texan Cheerleader

  Even though the Texans have had a rough season, we are proud of Paul, who made it to the championship in his fantasy football league. He worked really hard, and are looking forward to cheering him on the next two weeks. We are trying to finish up a few last things for Christmas around here. I am looking forward to enjoying some time with people that I care about. Hope everyone is having a great day, and check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


To start off, I have to say I'm sorry for not posting. When I started this blog I wanted it to have regular postings, because I always want my favorite blogs to have new posts. I could list all the excuses, like being sick for 6 days straight, or that I couldn't find the camera cord (it was in my purse, duh!), or that Paul has taken over the computer for fantasy football. Instead,  I will just skip to some pictures of what Raylee has been up to.

She has been smiling of course

Cheering for the Texans

         Playing with her toys

And standing up by herself!

She started standing up by herself for up to 30 seconds at a time. She will hold onto my legs and stand up, or push something while walking behind it. It won't be long until those first steps. I have a 10 month post in the works, and check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday. Until then, hope your having a great day!

Monday, November 29, 2010


This year was Raylee's 1st Thanksgiving. Our plans didn't work out the way that I had hoped they would. We still ended up having a good time and remembering what the holiday is about; Giving thanks for the many blessings God has given us. This year I am thankful for this beautiful, healthy, sweet little girl!

                                                                    Thanksgiving 2010

We ended up going to my Aunt Susan's house in Louisiana. The weather was beautiful, and Raylee got to swing for the first time. She LOVED it!

Now we're trying to get ready for the next holiday! Check back later for some more posts that I'm working on. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Again

Monday is here again! The past weekend, the weather was pretty rainy. It rained on and off all weekend, but of course Monday is beautiful! Oh well, we made the most of it around here. On Saturday we went and ate at Casa Ole'. Yum! I took this picture of Raylee. That is a teething ring in her hand. Poor baby has been teething pretty badly. :(

Another Casa Ole' Day!

The only other cute picture I got was when we were watching football on Sunday. After a bitter loss for the Texans, it was nice to watch the Cowboys get a win later that day. Also, my Alma mater, ACU is 11-0 for their football season! Way to go Wildcats!!

Love the little butt in those jeans!


We are looking forward to some fun things coming up in the next few weeks. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Friday, November 12, 2010

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Yay! It's Friday! We are very excited for the weekend here. Paul is off today, so we are starting the weekend early. I thought I would share this video of Raylee eating some of Paul's ice cream cone. The face she makes when the cold hits her teeth is priceless. Check it out!

Raylee has her two top teeth coming in, so she has been teething pretty bad. I got this picture (after much struggle) to document the new teeth!

Finally, if you can't see the video, here is a picture of the face Raylee makes when she eats something cold!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was a first over here. Raylee stayed with her Grammie & Auntie (Paul's Mom & Sister) overnight Saturday night! She was upset at first about us being gone, but managed to make it through the night! Then on Sunday we had Paul's family over for ribs, potato salad, & football. It was a fun weekend! We also discovered that Raylee's two front teeth are poking through! She has been in some pain, but overall still her happy self.

Smilin' for the camera!

Trying to crawl in her new boots

Then this morning, we were sitting in the living room. Paul had gotten off work early, and Raylee had some how managed to crawl under the coffee table. Luckily, the camera was close.

She thought it was funny!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saying Mama!

Finally got the video to work! Turn up the volume, and enjoy! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Monday, November 1, 2010

You Are My Sunshine!

For her 1st Halloween, Raylee was a Sun! Shopping for her 1st Halloween costume, was as fun as getting to see it on her. Maybe because she is a "Ray of Sunshine" in my life, or that it would be one of the only times she wouldn't "get it." Either way, it was a very special day!

All dressed up in her outfit!

We went trick-or-treating at my MawMaw & PawPaw's house. Raylee showed off her costume, and of course, tried to get into everything.

What is that Mom?

 Check back later this week for more posts! Hope everyone has a great week!

Catching Up & Halloween Eve

Recently Raylee's hair has become long enough for a ponytail on top. She also has been teething, and a new form of relief seems to be a "fish face."  That is the explanation for this photo.

 I finally got a really good video of Raylee saying "Mama!", but my computer cord decided to go out on me. Now I am using Paul's computer, and haven't figured out how to upload videos. When my computer gets back to working, check back for that.

 Halloween Eve we put Raylee in her pj's from Grandma & Grandpa. They had little faces and ears on the feet & Raylee was intrigued.


Check back for a full Halloween post. Until then here is a preview:

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What We've Been Up To...

Where does the time go? It seems to fly. Sometimes it feels like I chase Raylee around all day, and then at night I lie awake thinking about doing it all again. Don't get me's a wonderful job, and I wouldn't trade it, but it is tiring! She has so much energy, from the time she wakes up until it's finally bedtime.

We have been doing some fun things around here. This past weekend, we picked up a pumpkin from the store. This is the 3rd year in a row tat Paul & I have carved a pumpkin together, so we pretty much have it down. I am the designer, and he is the carver. (We know where our strengths lie. lol) Anyway here is a picture of our jack-o-lantern this year.

On Saturday night we all went to Tokyo for Pauls' sis-in-law's Birthday. She ended up being over an hour late, but the food was still delicious! Then on Sunday we got  visit from Raylees' Grandparents! They came over, and we grilled kebabs. Then we had yummy cake for dessert. Raylee loved seeing Grandma & Grandpa. Bring on the Holidays!

Grandpa & Raylee

Getting Kisses

Raylee loves to crawl everywhere! She loves wedging herself in places, which definitely keeps me on my toes. I caught this picture of her as an example.

Hope every ones week is going well. Check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I See You!

If you click the picture, it should get even bigger!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Yesterday was my Mom's Birthday! My sweet sister came into town to help us celebrate. We met at my house, and had lunch. (and played with Raylee!) Then we headed to the mall to have some girl time, and get some cute new stuff. Here are a few pictures I took before we left.

                                                              The Birthday Girl & Her Grandaughter

Raylee 8 Months ~ 10-20-10

                                    Auntie Amanda & Her Niece ( Love Raylees' face in this one)

After the shopping trip, we all went and got ready for dinner. We ate yummy seafood at Catfish Village, and my MawMaw & PawPaw came to help celebrate. Raylee enjoyed having everyone watch her, and I think my Mom did too. It was a great day. Love you Mom!

Singing to the Birthday Girl

                                                 Hope Everyone has a Great rest of the week!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Birthday Weekend Fun

 Sorry I haven't gotten around to posting yet this week. We are just now recovering from Pauls' Birthday Weekend. We ended up having SO much fun. On Friday, the day before his Birthday, Paul had taken my car to get gas. The gas gauge on my car has been broken for a while, so although he bought $10 worth of gas, my tank only held $7. He went back in, to get his change,but instead bought a $7 lottery ticket. Well that ticket was worth $500! Paul is the type of guy that will make sure he isn't given too much change, and will make sure that he doesn't take things he didn't get charged for, so it was very exciting for him to have that kind of luck. Congrats. to the birthday boy!

                                                                     27 Years Young

Ready to have some fun!

My Mom came and stayed overnight at our house (Thank You Mom!) so we could make the trip to go and watch Paul's stepbrother fight MMA. He won in the 2nd round, which was thrilling to watch!

The Octagon

We ate some good food, and got some good sleep, but we were still thrilled to get home to this little girl:

Who in the past couple days has started saying MAMA! I love it! When I can finally capture it on the camera I will post it, but it makes me so HAPPY to hear!