Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Brinn Crawling

Here is a video of how much Brinn's crawling skills have improved. At the end, you can see what she does when she has something that might get taken from her. She uses her feet to turn herself around. If you want what she has, you have to come get it! Brinn is already figuring out what to do keep her stuff. Smart girl!


Saturday, April 28, 2012


It is the weekend around here. We are going to try to be outside to enjoy the day. I am happy to report that I figured out how to charge my camera without the piece that was missing. Very nice to be able to take decent pictures, and not have to use the cell phone. On to some pictures.

                                         After getting the laundry done, Brinn ended up in the basket.

So then, of course, Raylee wanted in the basket.

You know where this is going, right?

She was fine. Here she is last night, dancing in my boots.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

River Day

We had a day of fun & sun out at the river. The weather was beautiful, and we were w/ a lot of our favorite people. Granna & PawPaw have the river set up to be a parents dream. Everything is fenced in and safe! Raylee & Brinn are two very lucky girls. We are all blessed.

First up is everyone attempting to show Raylee how to blow bubbles. She did not understand that you do not have to actually touch the bubbles to your face. Although it was explained thoroughly.

I was not too worried about Raylee learning to eat blow bubbles.

Aunt Amanda & Mollie were there too.

Up next was swimming. Raylee enjoyed it, but Brinn was not sure what to think.

She preferred sitting here.

Then it was bath time. The girls slept good this night!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Visit w/ Auntie Manda Pt. 1

This week my sister Amanda came to visit us! We were all very excited to see her, especially Raylee who loves "Auntie M." I borrowed these pictures off of her camera, so enjoy the break from the cell phone pics.

                                                 Poor teething baby has been such a trooper.

This girl loves her Auntie. She smiled anytime for her!

Next up: Pictures from our day at the river!

Hope everyone has a great day.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cell Phone Pics

All I have are some cell phone pictures today. I am missing the charger part for my camera, and the battery is dead on that. Today has been a long day already. It is one of those days that putting clothes on Brinn is pointless. Between eating & diaper changes she is constantly getting cleaned up. We have started potty training Raylee which brings it's own set of messes. I try to do it with a happy heart, and stay grateful that I am the one who gets to clean all the messes. Just need to remember that when Raylee dumps a whole bottle of shampoo all over her & her room, AFTER her bath. She is super clean today! :)

Here is a picture of Brinn sitting in a tent at Granna & PawPaw's. She thought she was so cool in there.

Here she is in a princess crown.

Raylee in her little black dress & minnie ears

Finally, a picture of the potty training progress. She has made it through a nap dry, which was on accident because I forgot she was wearing them, and then woke up dry.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

This Easter, we made the trip to Kingwood to visit Grandma & Grandpa. The girls got to spend time with their grandparents, and I'm pretty sure Grandma & Grandpa enjoyed it too!

Well onto the pictures....

Raylee helping herself to a snack, before we hit the road.

Then, Raylee got to go to her cousin Anna's 2nd Birthday party w/ her Granna & PawPaw. They had a slide, cupcakes, and she was worn out after. That night she told me she was ready to go "night night." :)

Checking out Grandma's Easter decorations

The following is the ONLY smile I got on camera of Raylee. Lately, she does not want to smile, and does not understand that if she smiles she will get candy,toys,etc.

Out to eat at Raffa's. Their food is so good, and the restaurant is right on the water.

First time in a high chair, and this is right after Grandma got her to wave for the 1st time.

Pictures in Easter outfits.

After church, we came back home and had a yummy lunch & then decorated cupcakes.

Grandma got Brinn a new onesie, and it reminds me of a care bear I used to have. Pretty sure, it had the same thing on its tummy.

Grandma, Grandpa, & peanut going for a walk w/ the girls.

Grandpa & his youngest grandaughter. They are matching w/ their blue outfits, and pretty blue eyes.

Grandma got Raylee a "little black dress."

Happy face!

We had a great time at Grandma & Grandpa's, and are already planning our next big trip...the beach!

Hope everyone has a great evening.