Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

Catch Up!

Well, we have moved! Our new place is great, and in another week we will have our cable, internet, and phone hooked up. Until then I am using my Mom's internet so I do not get to far behind. (Thank you!)

                       Raylee still loves the "caaar." This is a picture of her driving her PawPaw's truck.

It was my PawPaw's birthday last week, and him and my MawMaw watched Brinn for a little while so my Mom and me could get some packing done. (Thank yall!) I got a picture of the birthday boy and his youngest great granddaughter.

Raylee & Brinn get closer everyday. Raylee seems genuinely excited to see Brinn everyday. It is an awesome thing to watch. Here are some pictures I got of the two of them.

 Love this one!

Speaking of cuties. This little cutie turned 2 months old yesterday!

We went for her 2 month appointment today, and she did so good w/ her shots. She was 10lbs. 7oz. (50%) & 22 1/2 in. (50%). She is doing so well! She slept last night from 10pm to 4:30 am! She eats 3-4 oz. every 3-4 hours, and she is picking her head up well, and working on rolling over.

Here is a few pics. after the Dr.'s apt. & some of her & I together!

Poor little leggies :(

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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