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Friday, December 9, 2011

Brinn at 4 Months

Today, Brinn is 4 months old. I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast, and being in the middle of the holidays makes it seem even faster. I don't have any stats for Brinn at 4 months yet, because we go to the Dr. on Monday for her well baby check up. I will post those when I get them. Everyone in this house is having issues with runny noses, coughs, and congestion, but Brinn seems to (thankfully) just have a stuffy nose.

At 4 months Brinn:
*Is in 3 months or 3-6 months clothes
*Still in size 2 diaper
*Has had some issues w/ the 4 month sleep regression, so we are working hard to get back to those 5 hour stretches!
*Is a good eater, and will start infant cereal in the coming weeks.

*LOVES her feet. She will try and grab them both with her hands, and roll all around. It is pretty cute!
*Still has dark blue eyes.
*Is a drooling machine
*Big sister still gets the most smiles, followed closely by Mom & Dad.

We love you so much Brinn Danielle. You make our family happy and complete!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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